Bondarenko Sergii

Bondarenko Sergii

Associate professor
of the Department Cybernetics of Chemical Technology Processes


The main research results are published in Ukrainian scientific journals as well as presented at international scientific conferences .

Selected learning materials

  • Bondarenko, S., Sanginova, O. The Theory of Automatic Control: guidelines for lab. work and individual work on discipline "Theory of Automatic Control" for students training direction 6.050202 "Automation and Computer-Integrated Technologies". Part 2. resolution granted by the Academic Council HTF, protocol number 3 of 24.03.2014 p. - 60 p.
  • Bondarenko, S., Merdukh, S., Sanginova, O. Automated Process Control Systems in Chemical Plants: method. instructions and tasks to RGR and individual work for students. 7.05130101 specialty "Chemical technology of inorganic substances" 7.05130102 "Chemical technology of organic substances" 7.05130103 "Technical electrochemistry". resolution granted by the Academic Council HTF, protocol number 3 of 24.03.2014 p. - 65 p.
  • Bondarenko, S., Branovitskaya, S., Sanginova, O. Computational Mathematics and Programming: guidelines and objectives for practical classes and individual work of students with credit module Numerical Analysis and Computational Mathematics disciplines programming for students of the Faculty of Chemical Technology training direction 6.051301 "Chemical Engineering" // Resolution granted by the Academic Council HTF, Fr. number 5 from 05.26.2014 g. - 86 p.